Photo: Morgane Lanco

A passion for discoveries

I am a tour guide and photographer based in the Geneva region of Switzerland. My journey with photography began at the age 15, eventually leading me to study at ESMA in Montpellier, where I earned a professional diploma in Photography. A personal project, A Stolen Sight, which highlighted the experiences of blind individuals, received the first price of the jury, resulting in a book and exhibitions that helped establish my career in photography.

After traveling and working for a year and a half in New Zealand and Australia, I moved to Iceland to work as a tour guide at a glacial lagoon, which sparked my passion for the Nordic countries. Later, I moved to the Lofoten Islands in Norway to work as a kayak guide, navigating fjords and encountering marine life like orcas and whales. After a break during the COVID years, I returned to the Arctic in 2022, settling in Tromsø, Norway, to guide and photograph the Northern Lights.

In Tromsø, I guided a variety of tours, including hiking, wildlife experiences, aurora hunts, and accessible tours for wheelchair users. I also captured photos of the Northern Lights, landscapes, and portraits, editing and sharing them with guests.

In Switzerland, I guided bicycle and e-cargo bike tours, exploring the countryside, city, and iconic Swiss mountains like Mt. Pilatus and Mt. Rigi. I also led multi-day tours in the Interlaken region, showcasing Swiss culture and traditions to international visitors.

I have also guided tours for cruise passengers, offering sightseeing experiences, city tours, and winter activities. Additionally, I worked as a driver and transporter for a hospital, assisting patients and training new employees.

These diverse roles have deepened my passion for guiding, photography, and sharing unique cultural and natural experiences. The Arctic’s raw beauty, from vast ice fields to dancing auroras, continues to inspire me and drives my commitment to preserving these fragile environments. Through photography, I aim to share the majesty of the Arctic while raising awareness about its vulnerability to climate change. Each adventure strengthens my craft and deepens my connection to the planet’s icy treasures.

Since then, I’ve returned to Switzerland, initially moving to Lucerne as a biking guide, and now back in my hometown of Geneva.